Recent research has confirmed that exposure to trauma does not merely change us emotionally and psychologically, it also changes us physically. In fact, the impact of exposure to trauma runs so deep that it has an enduring impact at the cellar level. This fact was reinforced by research recently performed at the University of British…
Category: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
MPC to Present at National ASGPP Conference in Texas April 2018
Michigan Psychodrama Center co-founders Elizabeth Corby, Ph.D, CP, PAT and Patrick Barone, JD, CP, PAT are pleased to announce that they are scheduled to present two workshops at the annual conference of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. The 2018 conference location is Dallas Texas, and the dates are April 19 – 22,…
Michigan Psychodrama Center to Present at National ASGPP Conference
The founders of the Michigan Psychodrama Center are pleased to announce that they will be presenting a 90-minute workshop at the 75th Annual ASGPP 2017 Conference: “Navigating Waves of Change: Discovering and Celebrating Our Hidden Treasures.” The title of their 90-minute workshop is “Integrating Mind and Body with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychodrama.” The 2017…
Aaron Beck Endorses the Union of Psychodrama and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) was created by Dr. Aaron Beck in the 1960s. Since this time it has increasingly been recognized as an extraordinarily effective psychotherapeutic intervention. Since its early development, scientists around the world have researched CBT to determine if it is effective in treating such disparate disorders as depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders,…