In the realm of law, where facts and arguments intertwine to shape the narrative of justice, there exists a lesser-known yet profoundly impactful technique: psychodrama. Far from the conventional courtroom theatrics often depicted in media, psychodrama serves as a therapeutic tool, enabling criminal defense lawyers to delve into the depths of the client’s emotions, experiences…
Tag: Psychotherapy
What is Doubling in Psychodrama?
In Moreno’s psychodrama, “doubling” is a therapeutic technique that involves the use of a double, who is a participant or group member, to represent the inner thoughts, feelings, or conflicts of another participant, known as the protagonist. The double speaks the inner life of the protagonist, bringing the material that is lodged in the background…
Therapist Congruence, Psychotherapy and Psychodrama
Congruence is the term used by Rodgers to describe a therapeutic relationship where the presents him or herself without pretense. (Rogers 1961). A therapist is in a state of congruence when there is an “accurate matching of experience with awareness” (Rodgers 1961). The therapist is “at one” with their feelings and has the freedom to…
Healing From Childhood Trauma with Psychodrama
A common general theme in psychodrama is the exploration of a past childhood trauma. A psychodrama may conclude with a corrective reenactment of some aspect of the trauma but with a more satisfactory ending. To elucidate this, assume there is a time when a child was abandoned by his mother. A past scene of abandonment…
MPC’s Experiential Therapy Group Open to New Applicants
The Michigan Psychodrama Center (MPC) is now accepting applications from those interested in joining an ongoing therapy group. We meet bi-weekly on Wednesday afternoons, from 3:45 – 6:15 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. Due to the pandemic, the meetings are currently conducted remotely via Zoom. This therapy group utilizes experiential action methods for doing personal work….
What Part Does God Play in Psychodrama?
This simple question lends itself to a rather more complicated answer, which begins with a bit of history about Jacob L. Moreno, M.D., the founder of Psychodrama. Both of Moreno’s parents were Sephardi Jews, but by all accounts Moreno was not particularly religious. He was however deeply spiritual. Moreno believed that we are all connected…
What is Role Reversal?
In J.L. Moreno’s psychodrama, role reversal is a crucial technique used to promote empathy and understanding within the therapeutic process. It involves participants in a psychodrama session switching roles with each other, allowing them to experience the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of the other person involved in a particular psychodrama scene. Role reversal serves several…